
Hello! This is a Pokemon Roleplay website. Basically, this website is ran by an OC of mine 'in-universe'! As such, there is an Unreality warning for the entire site. Please be careful!

You might recognize Gill from Pokemon IRL on Tumblr! And that's right- I do have a blog for her on there. This is just me trying to branch out and try other things! Because I thought this would be fun.

If none of those words meant anything to you, don't worry! You don't need to follow the tumblr account to enjoy this website. Furthermore, I still might post on Tumblr, but worry not! Anything *major* that happens will be referenced on here as well.

Yeah! :D

-> Click here if you'd like to read some of my original work regarding Gill! There's only a couple of pieces up right now, but I hope to expand that soon.

Other Things!

▷ This entire site was made via Sadgrl's Layout Builder.

▷ I'm always down for collaborating with other people! If you want your own OC involved in anything on here (mentioned in a journal log, for example) feel free to message me on Tumblr! My url is @skrelpson .

▷ For collabs and stuff like that, I'll try my best to run with 'yes and!' when it comes to worldbuilding and stuff. I haven't roleplayed / worked with people in a bit, though, so please tell me if I overstep anything!

▷ In any cases of me, the mod (who you can call skrelp btw!) speaking, I'll use '[]' in front of any paragraph.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day.