Out of Character Info
//This is so I can house basic information about the two main characters on this website! Feel free to head back to the main page if you'd rather experience this all blind (Which I'd reccomend! Hopefully I'm doing a good job of characterizing them 😎👍). Also there's just. Secrets out in the open here. So uh... yeagh!
Full Name: Gillian Hawthorn Monet-Snacksworth
Nickname(s): Gill
Age: 17
Birthday: June 21st
Hometown: Cascaraffa, Paldea
Sexuality: Panromantic
Pronouns: She/He
Nature: Timid

A junior at Blueberry Academy. Mostly comes off as quiet, polite, and anxious. Loves Alcremie to the point she's made her entire internet presence based off of them. Has a weird inferiority complex when it comes to battling. Struggles with maintaining relationships, often ending up growing distant with friends.
Her parents both have a strong passion for battling, which they've kind of put upon their kids as well. (The two met at the Battle Subway in Unova, in fact). Gill is a little resentful of this fact, especially since they made him go to Blueberry and not Naranja-Uva (where he really wanted to go), but he tries not to let it get to him.
He's related to Snacksworth, but how exactly is unclear. He doesn't know what he wants to do after graduating, really- probably get a job at the League or some battle facility overseas. Speaks Paldean, Galarian, and a little Kalosian.
Tends to get into something, only to quickly back out. Joined the Photography Club for one week during her Freshman year, for example. Last year, she joined the League Club, but very quickly grew to despise it and hate it. It didn't help that she was terrified of the BB Elite Four, especially the Champion. Decided to quit just as Juliana arrived. Because of all this, she has a rather negative view of herself and her hobbies.
Rye was a major influence on her. He helped her figure out her gender identity, convinced her to dye her hair, quickly became a shoulder for her to lean on, etc. Rye is the first friendship Gill is committed to keeping.
Sugar - Alcremie
Spice - Flygon
Locke - Klefki
Key - Toxtricity (Low-Key)
Salt - Garganacl
Pepper - Scovillain
Other Pokemon.
Baryon - Kingdra *
Sizzle - Salandit *
Junebug - Slither Wing *
Cadmium - Drifloon (Shiny)
* = Tentative. Acquired from an event on Tumblr, so might not be entirely canon here.
Full Name: Ryder "Lucky" MacPhail
Nickname(s) Rye, Lucky
Age: 18
Birthday: March 28th (Claims to be April 2nd)
Hometown: Turffield, Galar (Claims to be from Postwick)
Sexuality: Aromantic, Quoisexual
Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They
Nature: Careful (Claims to be Lax)

A junior at Blueberry Academy and high ranking Trainer in Galar. Did the Gym Challenge when he was 14 under the alias 'Lucky'. Managed to collect all eight Badges before dropping out. Uses a 'gimmick team' at school, consisting of Pokemon that only use the move Metronome. Is incredibly interested in the Galarian Legendary Birds- Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres.
Tends to lie about a lot of things, mostly regarding himself in an attempt to 'keep himself safe'. Examples of lies include: Saying he's from Postwick, saying his birthday is April 2nd, saying he caught one Pokemon before the other, what his favorite food is, his full name, etc. They're also used to altering narratives and stories to either make them funnier or to manipulate people- they did this often during their Gym Challenge in order to get some kind of advantage. (That's actually how they and Gill met at first- Rye convinced him to help them with a worksheet because of some convoluted lie they thought up.)
Wants to be recognized as Lucky, No. 776, but is also terrified of being 'seen'. Still hides xer identity online, though. Has made 'luck' part of their core aesthetic. Also lives for running gags. A real piece of work, all-in-all.
Still, it cares for Gill. Tries its best to be as geniune as it can around her.
Team (Galarian).
Bubbles - Inteleon
Faer - Falinks
Misty - Hatterene
Lightning - Boltund
Arrow - Corviknight
Guardian - Golurk
Team (School).
Queen - Indeedee (M)
King - Indeedee (F)
Diamond - Blissey
Club - Azumarill
Spade - Polteageist
Heart - Clefable